Sunday, January 8, 2012

Seperating a Mixture

1.The first step in seperating our mixture was to remove the toothpicks from the top of the liquid.

2.The next step is to empty the water into the graduated beaker using the funnel.

3.The next thing to do is to plug in the heater. Using tongs, lift your beaker and place it on the heater.

4. As the water is heating, empty the contents of the cup into a tray. Next, using the magnet and filter paper lift the iron off the mixture. Hold the magnet above the paper and slide it over the mixture. Slide the magnet from over the paper.

5. Remove the clear rock from the mixture.

6. Next take the smaller rocks and set them to the side.

7. If the water is finished boiling turn off the heater and use the tongs to remove the beaker. Inside is another ingredient which is classified as salt.

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