Friday, January 20, 2012

Everyone is yelling. The ground is shaking but you think it is just your mind. The horrific news finally is broken to you when you hear the word “earthquake”. Panic runs through your mind. Your first instinct is to run. But where do you run? Everywhere you go the earth is shaking, booming with rocks falling from buildings. Then, suddenly it is all over, as quickly as it started. These spine-chilling events are nothing compared to the disasters that had occurred in Japan, Haiti, and the most devastating of all, the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami.  Over the last decade, more than 50,000 died of earthquakes. The devastation of the Japan, Indonesian and Haiti earthquake shocked the entire world.
The earthquake in Japan had killed many people. The earthquake and tsunami was powerful enough to kill thousands. This 9.0 magnitude earthquake had not just killed with the force of water or the pounding of rock, but also with the explosion of three nuclear reactors. The three nuclear reactors had exploded when the workers had carelessly not informed the emergency workers. The emergency had never started causing a meltdown. If the emergency had gone off the reactors would have been flushed giving workers time to leave.
The earthquake in japan was not the only powerful earthquake. The Haiti earthquake was also a devastating natural disaster. The shift was so powerful it shifted the north American tectonic plate. The tragedy occurred in the day after Christmas. As most citizens were sitting at the beach, the tsunami rushed at the shore that went the speed of a jet . More than 150,000 houses had been destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami. That means that at least 150,000 people had died on the disaster of a day.
The worst natural disaster took place in Indonesia. This earthquake killed the most than the other two earthquakes. The tsunami was strong enough to reach the shores of Africa. It was strong enough to kill people all the way in Kenya. This natural disaster killed more than 300,000 people. The cost it took to help Indonesia was about 13.6 billion dollars. These waves were on of the strongest waves that were ever recorded.
These different natural disasters scared the world when they had occured. Many had feared that the same bad fortune would be placed upon them. The natural disasters of Indonesia, Haiti and Japan astonished the world. The earthquake of Japan was one of the strongest earthquakes in history. The country of Haiti was devestated on the day after Christmas. But death was not the only thing that needed to be accounted for. The Indonesian earthquake had costed about 13.6 billion dollars. The result of earthquakes in these several places shocked the entire world.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Seperating a Mixture

1.The first step in seperating our mixture was to remove the toothpicks from the top of the liquid.

2.The next step is to empty the water into the graduated beaker using the funnel.

3.The next thing to do is to plug in the heater. Using tongs, lift your beaker and place it on the heater.

4. As the water is heating, empty the contents of the cup into a tray. Next, using the magnet and filter paper lift the iron off the mixture. Hold the magnet above the paper and slide it over the mixture. Slide the magnet from over the paper.

5. Remove the clear rock from the mixture.

6. Next take the smaller rocks and set them to the side.

7. If the water is finished boiling turn off the heater and use the tongs to remove the beaker. Inside is another ingredient which is classified as salt.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Phineas and Ferb extra credit

One show that involves a science activity is Phineas and Ferb. In Phineas and Ferb the two boys create amazing adventures in their backyard. Their creations always start with this sentence, “Ferb I know what we are gonna do today” (quoted from an episode of Phineas and Ferb created by Disney Channel). In one episode, the two boys create a teleporter! If one item passes through a teleporter the item is transferred through the other teleporter. In another, these two masterminds create a roller coaster. These ingenious people also made a device that allows you to pass through walls. This idea was only imaginable until it was created in their dimension.

            One specific creation they had made was the ice cream maker. To make this super advanced machine the boys probably required many chemicals to create ice cream. This machine may have also needed many tools. The tools were probably simple tools. Another way that this was connected to science is by genetics. These boys had to have had some genes that made them super smart!

            This is one of my favorite shows. This cool TV show is also connected to science. There are a few reasons listed above but there are still a lot more different creations in the world of Phineas and Ferb.