Friday, May 18, 2012

Car-Sized Turtle

Giant turtle was found in Columbia. This giant turtle was the size of a small car. In fact, the turtle head was the size of a football. This giant turtle lived 60 million years ago in South America. it was discovered in 2005. The turtle was found in a coal mine. Thus, the turtle was named Carbonemys cofrinii. This is it's name because it means coal turtle. the turtle belonged to a group called pelomedusoides. The turtle's skull was the most complete of the fossils that remained.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Laser Pointers

Getting information fast can be very hard. That's why the laser pointers were made. The lasers can transmit information faster than USB's and doesn't disturb any frequencies. It is also not very expensive. In fact it is very cheap. The price is only 600$. Every second 500 million " two-laser rig can beam a billion bits per second across roughly 30 feet". Also, there is only a one billionth chance of a failure. The speed of the laser goes twice as fast as the regular internet. The information goes node to node so it travels really fast

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Pink Slime

The pink slime is a disgusting species that has been growing on beef. It has been preferred to be called "Lean finely textured beef". The pink slime grossed out the consumer and they did not want to buy the product. The consumption of the had gone down to the filthy slime. This had all started in North Dakota . The pink slimehad started to appear around this month. The disgusting, slimy, sticky, somehow is healthier than the regular beef usually eaten by the consumers.

I think that the pink slime is very gross. Even though I do not usually eat meat, I still find it very disgusting. The slime would also creep others out. I, not having to worry about this problem would not mind the beef but many of my friends eat this stuff and would complain all the time. It is just cause (the strange weird beef) and
effect( my friends complaining) that makes me feel bad about this.
